$ Nutech Capital Resources $

Equipment Leases


Are you are looking for an equipment lease? We have funding sources that can provide anywhere from as low as $5000.00 with no upper limit. We can probably get you the best rate and terms in the industry due to our access to numerous equipment funding sources.
Some Advantages of Leasing Equipment:
1. Up to 100% financing of your equipment cost.
2. Working capital is conserved.
3. Credit line is preserved.
4. Low acquisition cost.
5. Lower monthly payments
6. Eliminate equipment obsolescence.
7. Tax benefits
8. No down payment
9. Single payment for purchase, installation delivery, etc.


Nutech Capital Resources | P. O. Box 305, Brownsville | California | 95919 | USA
Ph: 1(530)-675-9151 | Cell: 1(415)-519-0493 | e-mail: Richard@NutechCapital.com
Conference Calls: 667-770-1685 pin 106476#

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