$ Nutech Capital Resources $


$Nutech Capital Resources$

Medical Financing

Is it time to get back to dealing with the patients and their needs rather than fighting with the many insurance agencies over reimbursements?

Alternative financing relationships are often the answer to dealing with that burden in addition to the other benefits it can provide.

Financing is also available for suppliers of products and services to the medical community.

Click Now on the appropriate link on the left or contact us directly.

Let us help you get what you need.



Nutech Capital Resources | P. O. Box 305, Brownsville | California | 95919 | USA
Ph: 1(530)-675-9151 | Cell: 1(415)-519-0493 | e-mail: Richard@NutechCapital.com
Conference Calls: 667-770-1685 pin 106476#

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